Monday, November 5, 2012

Bruschetta Chicken

Lately, my hubby and I are making efforts to be healthier in the food choices we make.  (minus a chocolate candy here & there, hee hee)  That being said, we make a lot of chicken.  I mean, A LOT.  I get rather bored with food.  I cannot eat salad every day because I become complacent which causes me to crave very bad things like chocolate, chocolate and chocolate.  Not only do I crave it, I seek and eat it.  I know, I'm bad and should control my urges, but it's difficult for me.  I can only guess what I look like when I'm on a chocolate hunt... I imagine my self looking like Cookie Monster, shoving the chocolate in my mouth.  Yum, yum, yum, yum, yum!  Where was I?  (did I mention that I have ADD? Oh look, a squirrel) Chicken gets boring after a while.  I know it is versatile; however, much to my family's dismay, I seem to make the same thing over and over again. 
Well, I happened upon this lovely recipe for Bruschetta Chicken on Pinterest.  The pin lead me to Lindsey Meredith's Flicker page. Now, my picture does not do the recipe justice.  This recipe was so good that everyone in my family had seconds.  Will I make this again?  Definitely! 

Chicken Bruschetta, yum yum!
Mods: none, it was chicken perfection!
The Verdict:
Yummy! Making this again.
Recipe: Bruschetta Chicken

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